Overview Eastfield Farm Residential Home Limited

The nearest Bus Station is Bushey Park which is a 22 minute walk from the care provider. The nearest Train Station is Train Avenue which is a 50 minute walk from the care provider. The nearest Food Shop is Asda which is a 21 minute walk from the care provider.

eastfield care home hull

Systems were in place to make sure people were protected and did not take any unnecessary risks. Staff had a good understanding of the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the use of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. There are sufficient communal areas, bathrooms and toilets and an accessible garden with ample car parking.

Types Of Care

This ensured, as far as practicable, people’s needs were met and they were not exposed to staff who had been barred from working with adults at risk of abuse. From time to time, we would like to contact you about our products and services, as well as other content that may be of interest to you. If you consent to us contacting you for this purpose, please tick below to say how you would like us to contact you. Accommodation, meals, and assistance with personal care and medication.

Details of care homes and home care in Boston, East Lindsey, Lincoln and other areas of Lincolnshire. Ratings are provided by Care Quality Commission and reflects the most recent report for this care home, which was published on 23 June 2018. If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service. For services we haven't rated we use ticks and crosses to show whether we've asked them to take further action or taken enforcement action against them. Ratings are provided by Care Quality Commission and reflects the most recent report for this care home, which was published on 9 August 2018. Our friendly caring ethos is something we are immensely proud of and something we work hard to deliver to each family and resident throughout their stay.

Albemarle - Care Home

Doing what we can to ensure residents maintain a healthy, happy life with choice and independence. Social care support and encouragement ie keep fit, musical entertainment, outings. Family carer replacement and post hospital care – alternative care while a family carer recuperates.

People who used the service were provided with a wholesome and nutritious diet which was of their choosing. People’s weight and food consumption was monitored and staff involved health care professionals when needed. Staff had received training which enabled them to meet the needs of the people who used the service; they also received support to gain further qualifications and experience. This meant people were cared for by staff who had the correct skills. People’s human rights were respected and upheld by staff who had received training in the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.


34 Residential Care PlacesWillersley House is situated in the village of Willerby, on the outskirts of the city of Hull. The location, is a leafy suburban setting which ensures both quiet surroundings and a relaxed pace of life.The home has undergone a major refurbishment, bringing residents'... – the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. Our infection prevention and control inspections look at how well people using a service are kept safe from the spread of infections.

eastfield care home hull

It is owned by a small company that has two other homes in the group. The home is situated in Withernsea, a seaside town in the East Ri... Eastfield Farm Residential Home is a care home that provides personal care and accommodation for older people, inlcuding those with dementia related conditions. The home is situated in open countryside in the village of Halsham, close to the seaside town of Withernsea in East Yorkshire. There is a new extension that provides access to an enclosed garden. The lounge and reception area has been refurbished to a high standard and the area to the front of the premises has been landscaped.

Care Home: Eastfield Residential Home

Long term – quality care geared to the needs of the individual by fully trained, caring and dedicated staff. Situated in the unspoilt countryside and with 26 bedrooms, Eastfield Farm Residential Care Home provides home from home, warm and loving care in the surroundings of a working farm. People were supported by staff to undertake activities both inside and outside of the service and were enabled to lead an independent life. People could make complaints and they were confident these would be listened to and acted on. There were 23 people residing at the service at the time of the inspection. We will minimize, reuse and reuse all materials wherever possible.

eastfield care home hull

We saw that the majority of staff had undertaken a thorough induction programme and that essential training had been undertaken or planned for. People who used the service told us they felt safe in the home and confirmed that any incidents were dealt with by the management. Staff knew they had a duty to report any abuse to the proper authorities. Training in how to recognise abuse was provided to staff and regularly updated. One superb means to handle it would certainly be to have a care home management software. The aims of the school are best summarised as seeking the complete development of the individual child in a calm, caring and friendly environment.

This inspection was unannounced and took place on the 4 June 2015. The inspection was undertaken by one adult social care inspector. The service was last inspected July 2013 and found to be compliant with the regulation looked at. This inspection was unannounced and took place on the 21 June 2017. The service was last inspected in June 2015, found to be compliant with the regulations looked at and we rated it as good. The Scottish Care Inspectorate is the official regulator for care services in Scotland.

eastfield care home hull

There is a passenger lift to the upper floor, a pleasant enclosed garden and parking for eight cars. A family style approach is used for the basis of the care provided and all staff, whatever role they are employed for, share the care of the people that use the service. People received care which was person-centred and staff understood and respected their choice and wishes.

High standards of behaviour are encouraged with an accent on good manners, politeness and self-responsibility. Every member of the school community feels valued, needed and of equal importance and we all work together on shared aims. Eastfield is a large school that is happy and stimulating with a great deal to offer.

eastfield care home hull

– the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. See CQC's page explaining ratings for more details about ratings and inspection practices of care homes in England. We were told by people who used the service that staff supported them in maintaining their living skills. We undertook this compliance review following concerns raised with us regarding unsafe recruitment procedures and the lack of training for staff. We discussed this with the local authority safeguarding and external contracts and compliance teams. There was a complaint procedure in place for people who used the service or others to use.

The provider investigated any concerns to the satisfaction of the complainant. Complainants were sign-posted to other agencies if they were dissatisfied with the way their complaint had been investigated. Staff had been recruited safely and were provided in enough numbers to meet the needs of the people who used the service.

eastfield care home hull


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